Wednesday, May 17, 2017

MES field day...2nd grade

Tuesday, was Davis' second grade field day. It also happened to be my birthday! So I got to spend the day with about 22 2nd graders, his teacher and Emmy. Pretty fun day! WE had a blast playing lots of fun games, getting hot and eating italian ice! 


Bouncy ball race...

Time to get some shade and eat an italian ice! 

Relay race...

Scooter plunge...

Playground time...

Red noses!!! 

Our field day selfie..

Riding the national guard bikes

Tuesday night both the kids had games so after this crew watched Emmy for a bit they headed to D's game where I was waiting! So blessed to have so many fans! 

Monday night we had a meeting at the middle school where Davis will attend next year. These boys were pumped to see their new surroundings and meet some new teachers! Not ready for them to grow up but so glad they have each other! 

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