To my princess loving, book obsessed, witty, funny, hilarious, dress wearing, gymnastics obsessed, dress up queen, today is YOUR day! You are my baby girl and always will be! I will FOREVER remember May 2, 2012. You were a planned c-section but that doesn't mean anything about your entrance in this world was normal. You came out ready to show the world you were not the same ole same ole and you would be unique and vastly loved by so many. This created many prayers on your behalf and we are so glad our little girl (all 9lbs and 6 oz of you) didn't stay in the NICU that long!
Drama is your middle name. You love to put on a good show and say most of your words with VAST enthusiasm. No one, whether they know you or not, questions how you feel. You wear your emotions on your chest and you are as friendly as a child comes. Your willingness to meet others, greet them and even discuss their life with them is not hard for you at all. Your desire to communicate with those who have no one and love on those who feel unloved are so admirable. Your brother has no desire to talk to others whom he doesn't know and honestly there are moments when he is baffled by your extrovert nature.
You love to eat and are usually not picky in the least. You usually know what you want when you want it! You are pretty unpredictable! You especially love meat and you really enjoy a good pork chop! You are not into sweets too much unless it is candy. You do NOT like cake and but love icing! You are a fan of donut holes and never miss a chance at going to the donut store!
You having been taking gymnastics since you were 2 and you adore showing off your skills and you are pretty fearless when it comes to learning new skills. You have even gotten me into being your coach! You have played soccer and t-ball now and pretty much enjoy any sport. You especially love meeting new friends.
You have enjoyed your first experience with school and have met some really great buddies. You have learned so much this year and are most proud of your scissor cutting license. You write your name all of them..Emerson, Emmy, Wellington, you know how to spell most colors, know at least 10 site words, can count to 100, can "read" several books and really enjoy having jobs at school.
Reading books is by far your favorite thing to do!!! You really love dressing up as well so we spend most of our days getting in costume and reading! You make life so much fun, especially when we then have to act out the stories, in real life or by using your many princess figurines. You remind me over and over who you are in the stories we are reading and love to ask me who I am as well. You are especially fond of books on cd. You listen to them over and over and can pretty much "read" moana, the good dinosaur, beauty and the beast, merida, frozen fever, and sophia. They drive the car riders insane (your brother and daddy especially) but we listen to them on repeat for you!
My birthday prayer for you my darling...
God thank you for blessings like Emerson Oneita. She has blessed our lives so much and made our family complete. She keeps us smiling, on our toes and in constant laughter. God thank you for blessing her with the gift of making others smile. Her wit and humor, I pray our used for your glory. God may she always have a heart for you. Thank you for giving her a sense of saying or doing what needs to be done at a given time. There have been so many times that she has said or done things things that I don't understand that have made so much sense in the end. She is able to sense just what others need. She reaches out to those who others do not notice and makes friends so easily. She is unbothered by what others are doing and totally does what she thinks needs to be done. God help me to be more like this, help me not to worry about what others think when it involves your kingdom and spreading your word, but to just serve. God rally around her when she is happy and joyful and be there when she needs to cry and or be angry. Let her come to you first during these times and reach out to others after consulting you. God thank you for sweet angels like Emmy-O may she continue bringing much joy on earth. In your sons name, AMEN.
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