Thursday, December 1, 2016

WHAT A WEEK....Is it friday yet? BUSY WEEK!!!

We started the week with a Monday night PTO meeting where Davis received the key club award from his PE teacher. Proud momma and daddy moment! I love seeing his love for others! When others see that it makes my heart so happy. Keep putting others before yourself little man and you will do well in life! 

Tuesday we started the evening with Emerson's art show. We found out she is quite the budding artist! 

Her self portrait! She is wearing a pink dress, imagine that!!! 

 She had quite the crew of supporters! She is so loved!
 Emmy and Mrs. Kathy her preschool teacher!

Next, we headed to the SGC basketball game where Davis showed off his last Little Dribblers skills! Love that sweet kid! 

Good bye hugs for everyone! 

Tonight Emmy and her preschool buddies rode in a float in our Christmas parade. It was a Snoopy theme! 

These two girls were crazy about their adorable shirts...

Emmy was shocked they matched!! 

 The back of the float...

She loved her shirt!!! 

What a FUN week, but momma is exhausted!!! Love making sweet memories with my family and friends, but I must get more sleep! HA! 

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