Thursday, August 24, 2017

First day shenanigans

How is it this little miss is ready for this? Surely she is not ready, I definitely am not! I know she will love it and meet so many wonderful people, but still, I am sad. I will hold back my tears and let her do this big girl thing, but man oh man, it is simply one of the hardest things I have ever done. 

Walking in...

Blessed to have the best of buddies in class with her for her first year! 

This little man kept my mind off of missing my girl so much...we spent the day together and he was perfect! 

I have her back in my arms and she is oh so happy! What a fun fabulous day she had. Thankful for amazing teachers that make school so much fun! 

I think the first day really wore them out...What do you think? 

This is our discussion before school...

Davis' end of summer golf outing with his daddy! Love this little guy and I hope he knows how much he means to us! 

Look at our wolf and little red riding hood....I love their imaginations and their desire to dress up! 

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