Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cheer day and Jamboree

Our Saturday Jamboree began with little miss e performing her cheer dance they have worked so hard on for the last two weeks. I was given advice on not stressing on the moves with her and just letting her figure it out. I must say it was absolutely adorable and she had so much fun showing off what she knew! Predance faces..


The Tiger Squad
My sweet Tiger

The Dance

Post dance pics with Kooper

and her big brother Davis

My stud number #25! Praying for a safe, fun game! 

Football friends and so much more! They are also both in the same 3rd grade class. 

LET's go Tigers! Lots of these are fuzzy, it is hard to take pictures at night on someone else's camera of people moving, thanks lala for taking them! 

Half time HUGS

Do you see #25? 


Leave it to Lala to catch me in my prime coaching moment...a rare catch on film! I always seem to be behind the camera! 

Cheer coaching isn't something I signed up for, but I wouldn't have it any other way! We are one game in and these girls have my heart and they are so sweet to one another! GO TIGERS!!!

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