Emerson is officially a bike rider without training wheels and she loves the freedom in riding all by herself! We had our share of bumps and crashes but overall she was ready and excited for the adventure!
I love these three. I pray they always remain close cousins and continue to make memories by making messes, asking questions and by just being kids!
We celebrated one of Emmy's friends since birth the other day. He turned 5!!! This means we are getting VERY close to her special day! Momma isn't ready!!
Cherishing every moment with this gal!
Some one came to see Emerson's preschool class, boy was she thrilled!
Took these 3 beauties to the park after gymnastics, they got more energy out and had lots of FUN!
This girl!!! I find her in her daddy's office just working a way!!!
Palm Sunday...Davis was Jesus!
Love that our children's minister encourages memory verse learning.
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