Thursday, January 28, 2016

Playing catch up

It's funny the things you never teach your kids but they pick up rather quickly...Walker and I aren't much on selfies, ok we NEVER take them but this little miss must know mommy likes pictures of her. I handed her my phone for a minute and I came away with 102 selfies of her! Some were just too funny not to share! 

Davis has began his second season of basketball and we are loving watching him grow and learn more about the sport. He sure loves to hustle and he no longer hugs when it comes to being on defense!! HEHE! I hope he always loves to try new things and meet new people as he is doing this year on this team! A bit fuzzy but as always he brings with him an entourage! GO DAVIS! 

We celebrated the 100th day of school last week and my little 6 year old never looked so cute! He was proud of his accessories, he called his MEME and asked for them all on his own! He has always known what he wants!

Here he is with his buddy Jackson, looking like fine 100 year old gentlemen! 
Tenley and Emmy are still flipping and jumping along at gymnastics! Today they matched and they were both very excited!! 

 Emmy and Davis enjoyed a HUGE bubble bath on one of the snow days they had last week!

Emmy and her buddy Jack at our favorite mechanic ,Jim Beasley, shop! 

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