This is the Christmas post that seems like it will NEVER end! I included our Christmas with Mia & Pops, Meme & Pawpaw and Christmas day at our house and I feel confident it is the LONGEST post I have ever done, but, it is almost February so I must hurry, right?
Emerson got glasses from Laura and Mack for Christmas for her babies and she came home and got right to work...
Christmas at Mia and Pop's house
Silly boys wanting to be Santa!
Cousins. I pray these three are very close, I sure treasure my cousins!
This boy has serious JOY about opening his gifts!!
Laura bought a ginger bread house for us to decorate and I'm pretty sure it took every available hand!! It was quite the project, but we had fun!!!
Mack loved his new blocks and table!
With these two it's like we have twins running around. They play hard, fight hard, and love BIG!
More cousin photos, why oh why is it so hard to get pictures of these 3?
Sweet cousins!!
I finally gave up and started taking selfies with my main man!
Mia started singing and then things got CRAzY!!
Mia was bound and determined to get some pictures!!
To calm the wild children down we decided to sing Christmas carols while Pops played the guitar!!
Disclosure...Davis was pumped up on opening gifts and was a bit extreme. Poor guy went on Christmas over drive and was like a different child. This happens most Christmas' and I do not like it! If you see him fuming at the mouth and acting CRAZY this is why!!!
Meme sure knows how to wrap some packages, and yes these are all Emmy's, now we know why Davis tends to lose it!!!! HA!
Emmy loving on Rooney!
He is getting warmed up and ready!!
Meme with her horse tattoo on that Davis gave her for her birthday!
And so it begins...
The adults got lottery tickets...besides a extra ticket we all lost!! BOO!
Photo time!!!
Meme reads the night before Christmas...Emmy can't stop picking her NOSE!!
When we got home from all the excitement, we had another surprise..Elsa was in our yard! Emmy was so PROUD!!
Writing letters to santa..
They each got 3 presents from Santa this year and one from mommy and daddy!
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