Sunday, September 27, 2020

LAST POST TO be caught up! PTL!!!

I love this girl and all her since of style. She surprises us with all her boldness and her creative spirit! 
WE sure love our cousins and I hope their relationships only continue to grow. I was super close to my cousins and pray they have the same closeness. 

Davis and Emmy love sharing their love of music with G. 

Davis really wanted G to learn how to write her name! 

Emmy just wanted to splash in the tub! 

We have loved football this year. With everything taken away from us we were super proud of the boys and how they played and grew each week. 

Porch praise has been amazing and the girls really enjoyed riding from house to house and playing school! 

Emmy was grading papers and asked us to give her a couple of minutes to finish before going to porch praise. 

Watching her play NEVER gets old!!! 

We love celebrating our friends! WE love you CHUCK walden!!! 

Emerson really wants to get her backhandspring and has been working tirelesy with her coach, her daddy and herself!! I loved catching these moments with her and WAlker. 

This boy!!! He was So excited to go hunting! He even came home with some doves!! 

Picking G up for an icecream date...not sure who is more excited!!! 

Celebrating Walker is SO easy! Here is to 39 year old Walker! One more year till 40!!! We love him BIG!! 

Porch praising with some of our favs!! 

Something about watching my kiddos praise!! 

A family that porch praises together.....

FOOTBALL. Emerson and her buddies always find a way to entertain themselves!! 

PREFOOTBALL game vibes..

Emmy and ZOE! 
I love our youth and this girly makes my heart happy! 

Celebrating Lila with a skating party was SO fun! 

We sure love our Mrs. Allison! Our favorite children's minister!!! 

My aunt sent us a watermelon and what a watermelon it was!! HUGE!!! 

Celebrating the end of our first week of school with hub city deli! 

These two sure love spending time togther! 

Seeing my boy work at school makes my day! 

This girl and all her style!! 

All smiles for everyone being back at worship!!! 

This note. My girl pulls my heart strings daily!!! 

We took the kiddos to Chickasaw before school started and we were not disappointed! What a fun day! 

AGAIN, all the style!! HA! 

Our adopted family! Norma and Lawrence are gems and we sure are glad to go through this life with them! 

Emerson insisted we head to the field after gymnastics to see the boys in pads for the first time. I love the way she loves him! 

3rd grade orientation with MRS. Blair!!! 

She loved her Emerson on her cubby! 

and of course she immediately found the books! 

Before school started we headed to the zoo with Mia and Pops. (and to get icees!) 

Walker took us to dyersburg to the farm to go fishing. It was an adventure to find the pond but then we acutally caught some fish! I would call it a sucess!! 

MORE COUSIN play time!! 

WE had to enjoy the grind one more time before school strarted and to top it off if was Jessica's birthday!! I sure love hanging out with our buddies! 


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We surprised the kids with a scavenger hunt, where they discovered we were headed to DISNEY!!  HEADED TO DISNEY!!!  We are here!!! We've...