Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Post holiday FUN

Emerson is LOVING her new instrument and she literally is so excited to practice and listen to her Suzuki daily. She is very proud to instruct others on the rules of the violin and give them an opportunity to share in her love for her violin. Forever thankful for my dear friend for sharing her love of the violin with my little girl. 

She loves to create and today she used these while we conversed. I had to quit talking every time she held up the stop sign and was allowed to continue speaking when she held up go...what a mess!! 

We met up with our dear friends from Murray the other day and boy am I glad we did. The food was delicious and the company was even better. It's rare you come across friends you can pick right back up with even though distance separates you. This family is precious and dear to us and we love each and every moment we get with them. Here is to many many more! 

She keeps me on my toes, drives me crazy, and asks way too many questions but she is braver than most her age, hilarious, and simply the sweetest girl I've ever met. New Years Eve we spent a good part of our day at the ophthalmologist. She got a new script, her eyes dilated and still walked out with a smile. 

After our eye adventure, we took Mia out for her birthday! She deserves a meal for a day, she is a servant and one smart nurse, awesome seamstress and amazing comforter. 

Mia had to hurry home but we struck some Christmas deals and then got some yummy maggie moos icecream. 

Getting a New Years eve nap....bless! 

Celebrating our year of happiness as a family, no other way to ring in the new year. 

Praying this new year helps us pause and be more intentional, brings many blessings, gives us moments of rest, provides opportunities for us to share HIM and allows us to LOVE in a BIG way.

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