With football being over our weekends had slowed down considerably, with the exception of this weekend! We had a laundry list of places to be and wear so before we left the house we had to make sure we were completely packed and ready for our long days. The kids didn't miss a beat and had a blast making so many memories!
The weekend began with a calm Thursday night. SO..mommy took the opportunity for some pictures! Miss E was pretty excited we had some nice weather to play outdoors.
So did Davis!! He loves his thinking spot, aka his place to climb and use his wild imagination.
This is Emmy's face when seeing him in his spot...
We found the cutest tiniest rose, and we were both most impressed!
Friday was pretty special. Meme and Pawpaw came and were Emerson's mystery readers in her class. She was SO excited!!!
I never take pictures of myself, but look what I did...
Saturday morning we headed to celebrate Issac minion style!
After the party, we headed to Dyersburg for our fall fest at Meme and Pawpaws. Boy did we have fun and eat lots of yummy food and junk!!!
Then we had an end of the year football party with Davis' coach and team. Davis, aka, sunshine can't wait till next year!