Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fall youth retreat at Nacome

Everything I do I do for my kids. I promised God when he gave me my sweet blessings my kids would be my mission field. I would love them, teach them and show them Christ in all I do. I knew I would mess up and let's face it, he is God and he knew I would too, but he still entrusted me with two special blessings. I love my husband, spend time with him and constantly work on our relationship so my kids will know what a good marriage looks like. They will not just know but make choices that will in return give them a good marriage as well. I love my creator the best I can because I want my kids to not only love HIm but choose HIM. I serve others so that my kids will choose to be servants. I pray they choose the life that doesn't bring fortune or fame but brings happiness and joy from serving others for HIM. 
This past weekend we went along on youth retreat, never expecting a thing. We went to serve not be served. We went to bring smiles, encouragement, and love to those sweet and precious teenagers growing up in a dark in a hard world. We went to show our kids choosing HIM doesn't mean a life of dullness and boredom, but of joy and fun and community with his creation, us! We went to serve as chaperones, encourage the youth minister and his wife, support our youth, but yall we got so much more...
Experiences like this weekend will NEVER be forgotten. From the message to the affirmations to the games and thoughtfulness of all those who organized the weekend this weekend was a memorable one, to say the least. 
I caught a few of these moments on camera, the others are forever stored in my heart! 

My sweet girl got to bond with her friend Zoe. This brought me so much joy to watch! 

It brought this joyful face on my sweet 8-year-old boy! 

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