Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving and more, so much to be thankful for!!!

Our annual holiday party was a couple of weeks ago, and like always we had some yummy food, sat at some gorgeous tables and brought home some pretty cool gifts! There were lots of us so we decorated two tables this year!!! Here is my table and folks who sat with me. 

Kindall and Ashley decorated the other table, so cute! 

Davis and Emerson wrote and created a thanksgiving play and although I didn't capture a video yet, I did get some pretty cute pictures! 

Some of our sweet friends came to Meme's. We enjoyed some cookies!!! 

Daddy and his buddies all grown up!! 

 Emmy snuck in this shot, but we were attempting to recreate a picture...
 Whatcha think??

The girls felt the need for a picture too! 

Emmy found her lala's wedding dress in the play closet, so what does a princess loving girl do...tries it on, of course!!! 

Lala got some hair time with Emmy too! She has tons of it and with a show in site she let Lala practice her braiding skills! 

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