Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Awards Day, moving on to 2nd grade

Davis had awards day Tuesday to show he is ready for the second grade. They sang some incredibly cute songs and we got some pictures of his class getting ready to move to second grade. We have been very pleased with MES and hope Davis continues to love learning so much. 
waiting to hear his name...

still waiting...

Davis Walker Dow Wellington....

Waiting for the rest of his class and other classes so they can perform with Mrs. Melody. 


Davis has learned a lot this year and fallen in love with two more teachers. Miss Billie Dee has been his student teacher and he has treated her like his teacher from the beginning! Mrs. Debbie upon meeting Davis embraced him with a hug and that is simply all it took. He is still his rule following self, it breaks his heart when others are not kind and don't treat others nicely, he loves math and reading and I am amazed at how far his teachers have pushed him this year. May he never stop loving to learn and may he always treat others with kindness.

                                            Mrs. Debbie Sheehan's First Grade Class

Daddy and his boy

Mia and her first grand

Mommy's boy! 

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