Our days get crazier and crazier but also sweeter and sweeter. Here is me and my second little man on his day of birth seven years later! I love him so!
Little miss got new sponge rollers and after 6 hours she still had bouncy curls!!!
She LOVES my tough mudder head band and keeps it in a convenient place so that whenever she walks outside she grabs it and gets to work! She runs our hills and around the yard saying she is training for her tough mudder! My strong girl oh how I love you!
We hung out with Mack Sunday after naps and of course they all needed a snack too!
More training...pjs and headband! WHY NOT?
This little man is so excited about his 4 season of baseball. First game is tomorrow!!
Little miss e and I enrolled her in preschool!!! NO!! WAY!!! She told me it was her most favorite school and she would not be bashful! HA!
My little country girl, ready to conquer THURSDAY!
There is nothing sweeter than this little man. I got fresh flowers, and to say he was proud would be an understatement!
Waiting on daddy to get off we decided to take themed selfies!!!
Like brother, like sister!!! MORE weeds, I mean flowers!!!
Lots of videos, no rhyme or reason, just wanted to share!!!
E wasn't a sweet friend, so mean momma made her apologize!
A sweet friend sent me this of our kiddos playing! Love watching them play.
Peyton's happy birthday message to Davis!
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