Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Break day 4, Children's Museum

Today we celebrated D turning 7 by going to the children's Museum in Memphis. WE took Mia along for the fun and I'm pretty sure they both had a GREAT day! 
Both of them were pretty excited we were there!! 

Loading packages on the conveyor belt...

You might need to stick your tongue out to get the packages to go the right way!!!
Driving the plane, they told us we were beach bound! 

Then Emmy ended up in the kitchen....such a good momma! 

 Davis and Emmy loved the dentist exhibit...

This kid could not stay away from the ATM. Hope this isn't how he is going to be when he is older!!! 

Emmy chose to draw her own money.....I'll let you think about that one! 

Milking the cow is so much fun!

Davis even had me write him a birthday check...bahaa! 

This place is so fun. Where else can you climb and touch everything without getting into trouble. 

 This lady is the zip lining queen!

Thanks for joining us Mia. You sure made our visit extra FUN! 

Dear Davis

TO my most precious little man who turns seven today! You my little prince are a such a sweet sensitive little character sent to me from God and I promise I will cherish you forever! Your blonde curls, blue eyes and impossibly to resist smile are game changers. You set the bar so high little man. Your honesty, willingness to follow rules, and zeal for life are so amazing to watch and I know they will continue to blossom. 
You are in first grade this year and I adore your love for math, your amazing reading skills and your ability to tell me verbatim what happens at school. You love school because learning is one of your favorite things. 
You are still a VERY picky eater!!! Our only fights are at the dinner table! One day sweet guy I pray you enjoy eating and desire to eat more than five foods. Especially when those five foods are different than the way your momma prepares them! 
You have tried every sport, except soccer, and although you don't prefer one over the other you just enjoy learning to play different sports and having fun. You have told me more than once that your favorite part of any game is high fiving the other team at the end of each game! AGAIN, such a sweet guy! 
Your favorite things to do are do math problems, read, play with your sharp sticks outside, play army and play legos. Your imagination is still out of this world and can be quite overwhelming!! 
The last six months of your 6 year have not been the easiest. We've had more heart to hearts than most kids have with their parents by the time they are teenagers. You are inquisitive and have a deep understanding of god, death and bad things that happen to good people. It saddens me you have learned these things at such a young age but our conversations are memories I will cherish forever. You are a protector and these moments have only strengthen this characteristic. 
I will end with a prayer for you...
Davis, I pray God's richest blessings on your seventh year. That God will take you on this journey of life and that you will always feel his presence. I pray you will live for HIM and always choose HIM despite what life may offer you. I pray you continue loving the oppressed, sick and hurt. God use Davis for your kingdom and give him wisdom as he goes throughout life, in your son's name...AMEN
The following are pictures of you from birth to seven.....


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring break, day 2..Safari Park

Today we headed to the Safari Park to complete day 2 of spring break! The kids loved all the different animals and enjoyed feeding them too! 

 Emmy and I were feeding this camel and he totally took the bucket away from us...He was so strong and not willing to let me hold the bucket for him!

This buffalo was REALLY big and REALLY scary!!! 

Emerson preferred the statues...She insisted she needed a picture with each one of them, so here we go...
Davis told her this rhino was for daddy since he works there! HA! 

She needed her turn too! 

The giraffe was being really friendly and Davis enjoyed feeding him, Emerson not so much! 

They both loved feeding the goats! 

 until Emmy found this bar...and then the gymnastics began!

 Sweet loving for mommy!

and daddy...

 In the gift shop Emmy found this bird and he began mocking her, she was in love. She asked if we could buy one! HA!

AS we were leaving she found another bird that she needed a picture with....

and another statue...

Such a fun day with beautiful memories spent with my loves! Soaking up every minute! 


We surprised the kids with a scavenger hunt, where they discovered we were headed to DISNEY!!  HEADED TO DISNEY!!!  We are here!!! We've...