Sunday, April 12, 2020

Corona Staycation thus far.... Weeks 1-4

Corona break, as we call it, is still going strong. We are beginning week 5 so I thought I should catch up on my blogging for the kid's book and make sure I didn't miss a thing! HA! This uncertain time has evoked many emotions, but through all the emotions one thing has remained true....We have a waymaker and we know he is working even when we don't see him working. My faith has become stronger, my relationships deeper (you find a way to stay in touch with those you really want to talk to) my family time is at an all-new high, and we have all learned a new thing called to rest and be still. 
 I've tried to capture some of our favorite memories because my kids love to look back at their blog books and read about what happened in the past. I know some say point your camera down but I personally love preserving our memories and seeing my kids relive them by reading about themselves in their books.
One day a couple of friends who just happen to live in the neighborhood got out with us and went to Union trails. The kids had the BEST time playing in a creek, getting muddy and just being kids. The mommas well we had a blast too. From watching our kids play and their imaginations run wild to being able to have some normal mom talk, it was truly good for the soul. (this was the first week of staying home, groups of ten were okay! )
check out my outfit, shorts and boots and long sleeve shirt!! HA!!! 

One day we got Emerson all dolled up, makeup, nails, dress, hair, EVERYTHING and then put her on the red carpet, aka the red blanket. Just because we have nowhere to go doesn't mean we can't get fancy, right? 

 I made a Sams run one day and this girl requested a rotisserie chicken, she loves her chicken!!! HA, ha!

This guy ate a double cheeseburger after our Union trails adventure! The entire thing, whew we have come along way with this kid and food. We still have a lot to go but hey baby steps!  
He loves practicing roping his bull. 

We sure loved egging our friends and cousins. We did it to brighten their day and I'm pretty sure it brighten ours just as much if not more. I loved the thrill of running the doorbell and running to the car, the kids and I were out of breath and we laughed so much! 

We did experiments on the sun porch one day. The kids loved helping and we learned so much about our solar system. 

The faces of quarantine.. No makeup, no blowing our hair dry, all-natural!!! 
Mule rides with our friends make for some pretty fun adventures. 
I sent the kids out to play in the mud and they got me. They made me some soup and demanded I try it. I didn't but it sure was fun listening to them try and convince me to try it. They labeled everything very healthy! 

After making soup they had some puddle fun! 

Emerson wanted to do my makeup one day so I caved and I ended up looking like this...She loved it so much and I was so glad she talked me into it. I know she will remember this forever, I sure will! 

Ikea's butcher paper sure has kept us busy. We painted today on the front porch. 
Drawing shadows with our zoo animals...

More experiments, bubbles this time. 

We have made lots of sourdough bread this break. This girl has gotten very good at rolling it out and separating it into the loaf pans. (shirtless of course!) 

GAME NIGHTS!!! We have a game closet and most games have been played over the last 4 weeks. We are all somewhat competitive so games get interesting and really fun! I pray our family always loves to game together!

I made the kids corona journals where they have a list of get to's instead of to do's and a place to journal and draw their thoughts/feelings during this uncertain time.  

We have had some of the sweetest drop-offs. Mrs. Marget and Mr. Bobby brought this bundle of fun and the kids were so excited. From farm-fresh eggs to yarn to a dancing light to soap and elderberry they thought of it ALL! 

Davis finished his blanket first and I was very impressed with his skills! 

Just to prove to our buddies we do take showers during the quarantine! 

 Another friend made us a quarantine kit and the kids were so excited to do this experiment.

We have done a lot of art lessons online and I must say I think we have learned lots and are all improving on our art skills! 
Our first worship as a family at home. I must admit I cried through most of the service. It was gut-wrenching seeing our people but yet not being able to be with them. I long to be back in the building worshiping with my church family. 

We've completed LOTS of puzzles!!! Well Davis and I are the ones that are most excited about them but the other two usually join in as we start to wrap up the puzzle. 

Our first Monday mile. Mr. Josh has encouraged our church family to get outside and enjoy God's creation together. He usually gives us a thought to ponder and the kids and I have thoroughly enjoyed our mile-long walks/rides together. 

We have also loved chalking our driveway. It encourages others and is good for the soul! 

 Emerson got a cursive practice book and has loved getting to practice her letters in cursive. Currently, she is on q and really doing quite well with it!
Digitally learning was quite an adjustment but I THINK we are starting to get the hang of it. Mia and Pops loaned us a computer and that has helped tremendously. I love seeing their faces light up when they see their classmates and teachers. 

Week one we moved an air mattress into our living room, it was technically our spring break so we had no digital learning and lots of games/puzzles and such. 

Not sure if its the corona but both kids have tried new foods. Davis tried my peppers one day and now has decided he likes them! 

We do lots of drive-bys and this is one from Lala and G. We miss our people something fierce and outings like these help ease the pain of missing everyone so much. 
When our friend Todd was in the hospital with the virus, his son Hudson and Davis talked a lot. I could tell they needed a reason to laugh so we had a dance-off. We also did it with our cousin Mack. It was so fun to get the kids laughing and I'm pretty sure Walker has pretty entertained filming us! 

More school, more zooming, E is loving the digital life in her pjs! HA! 

I started a bible study on Hebrews and told the kids momma was going to the sunroom to read. This little one has been close to my side since this whole adventure so naturally, she came with me and read till she fell asleep! 

Isabelle came to visit one day and the girls made up all kinds of air ____. This was their air locking arms...

Air hug...

air hold hands 

Mia and Pops got a new toy (I may have ordered it and found we had no tree for it so I sent it their way) and the kids have been loving it! 

Emmy also loves their tractor! She's a pretty experienced driver. 

My first weekend to work at the rehab hospital since all this mess, they had these wings and had to get a picture. The kids loved their angel momma! HA! 

Times like this give us great opportunities to meet our neighbors. We had already met these neighbors but they made pb&j cupcakes with bacon on top and wanted to share. They were so yummy and different. 

This kid. Oh how I love him and how his mind works. This particular day he took some wood and nails and rope he had and he created this swing. 

and this flag!!! I love how creative and imaginative he is. 

He even let Emerson enjoy his swing. 

We decided to make corona tie-die shirts...whatcha think? 
Enjoying Mrs. Maragerts dance light. She was in costume and everything!!! 

We have lots of togetherness and since we all like to be close this is how Davis and WALker played games one night, with Emerson on Walker's shoulders. 

Another Sunday worshiping digitally at home! I missed the second Sunday due to work and of course, my people didn't take a picture without me! HA! 

One day I was on the way to walk with a friend and I just stood and stared at my house. I was dumbfounded that my house had taken on so many new roles, like myself. It is now not only our home but also a home gym, dance studio, violin, and piano studio, school, cafe, worship center, art studio, sportsplex, etc, etc. 

Emerson's sweet teacher sent her some extra fun things to do and of course, E couldn't wait to try them out..

The kiddos checking out their new kid-size tent. 

 Davis posing with the iris that bloomed this week. We have so much to do outside but with the limited income we are working with what we have and trying to do little things to spruce things up will momma starts working more! We have split all of the hostas and made them look much cleaner.  I can't wait to add dirt and rocks and more pretty plants!!
My sweet friend offered to do porch pics for us and I was so excited to have something to shower and put makeup on I just love pictures. Didn't she do amazing? 

Keeping six feet apart. 

My sweet small group bought, cooked and delivered food to the guys at room at the inn. 

I love how she has so much more time to play barbies and I enjoy letting her be little longer!!

Getting in another Monday mile...

One night we had a glow in the dark egg hunt and glow dance party. Trying to find ways to keep the kids smiling and make memories! 

Another sweet friend bought us cookies and we got to decorate them and eat them!! The kids and WLAker and I had a blast creating and eating our creations! 

For fun, the kids, and Walker decided to take our very old computer apart. Two hours they spent investigating all the parts and such, mommy just watched and read a book! HA! 

This guy has had a lot on his plate at work. I hope they know what an amazing and loyal employee they have. He has worked so hard with all the changes and we sure have missed him some nights with all the extra work. Praying it pays off and all stays well for him and his company! 

Emerson is a mommies girl through and through but this time has given her and her daddy much more time together. She is calling his name more and making more and more memories with him, for this I am so glad and I love the bond they have and how it is growing! 

It was a very different easter, but we went with it and enjoyed the day. None of us ever even showered, we played lots of games, watched movies and cooked lots of yummy food all well celebrating a risen savior! 

Another Sunday worshiping our risen savior! 

Emerson making sure she doesn't miss any of the kids video! 

I'm not sure how long this will last or how much more things will change but I am clinging to my God and his truths. I will make memories with my family. I will continue making sure my girls are ok and we will make it! 


We surprised the kids with a scavenger hunt, where they discovered we were headed to DISNEY!!  HEADED TO DISNEY!!!  We are here!!! We've...